20 Signs You Are Lacking Self Awareness

The consequences of lack of self awareness can be devastating. Without self awareness, people can become stuck in bad habits and have difficulty making positive changes in their lives. They may feel like they are going through life on autopilot, unable to break out of the same old routine that is holding them back from achieving their goals.

Without proper understanding of themselves, people can make poor decisions that have long-term negative consequences.

Self-awareness is critical to success in every aspect of life. Yet, many people go through life without ever really taking the time to develop a strong sense of self-awareness.

If you’re not entirely sure what self-awareness is, it’s basically the ability to know and understand your own thoughts, your own feelings, personal values and behaviors.

It’s about having a clear understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, as well as being aware of how your actions and words might impact others.

Clinically, the term for this is Anosognosia. It’s also sometimes commonly referred to as Lack Of Insight.

Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident and more creative. We make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively.

Harvard Business Review

There are a number of reasons why someone might lack a level of self-awareness.

  • In some cases, it may be due to a cognitive impairment or mental disorder.
  • For others, it could simply be a result of never taking too much time to stop and think about themselves and their own behavior.

Whatever the reason, lacking self-awareness can have a serious impact on your life. It can make it difficult to form and maintain relationships, succeed in school or at work, and even take care of yourself.

If you lack self-awareness, you may not realize when you’re making mistakes or behaving inappropriately. This can lead to problems in all areas of your life, from your personal life to your professional achievements.

If you are living with or working with someone who lacks insight, the best way to begin dealing with their behavior is to try to understand that it’s not intentional.

Self-awareness is an important part of emotional intelligence, and it’s something you can work on developing. If you’re not sure where to start, consider talking to a therapist or counselor who can help you learn more about yourself and how to improve your self-awareness.

Different Types Of Self Awareness

There are actually several different types of self awareness that you should be aware of.

Emotional Self-Awareness

This type of self-awareness has to do with your ability to understand and recognize your own emotions. It’s important to be aware of your emotions because they can have a big impact on your life, both positive and negative.

If you’re not aware of your positive and especially negative emotions, you may find yourself making decisions that you later regret. Or, you may find yourself in situations that are emotionally charged and difficult to deal with.

Cognitive Self-Awareness

This type of self-awareness has to do with your ability to understand and recognize your own thoughts. It’s important to be aware of your thoughts because they can have a big impact on your life, both positive and negative.

If you’re not aware of your thoughts, you may find yourself making decisions that you later regret. Or, you may find yourself in situations that are mentally challenging and difficult to cope with.

By becoming aware of your thoughts, you can learn to better control them and make more positive choices in your life.

Social Self-Awareness

This type of self-awareness has to do with your ability to understand and recognize the thoughts and feelings of others. It’s important to be aware of how others are feeling so that you can better respond to them.

If you’re not aware of how someone else is feeling, you may say or do something that hurts them. Or, you may miss an opportunity to help them because you don’t realize they need it.

By becoming a self-aware person, more aware of the thoughts and feelings of others, you can build stronger relationships. You’ll also be better equipped to handle conflict and difficult conversations.

Situational Self-Awareness

This type of self-awareness is about being aware of the current situation you’re in and how it may be affecting you. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and the people in it so that you can stay safe and make good decisions.

For example, if you’re walking alone at night, it’s important to be aware of your surroundings. This means being aware of things like whether there are any potential threats nearby, or whether you’re in an area that’s known for crime.

If you’re in a meeting, it’s important to be aware of the dynamics at play. This means being aware of things like who the decision-makers are, what the power dynamics are, and what the unspoken rules are.

Situational self-awareness also means being aware of your own emotions. This includes being able to identify how you’re feeling in the moment, and why you’re feeling that way.

It also means being aware of how your emotions might be affecting your behavior. For example, if you’re feeling angry, you might be more likely to say something that you’ll later regret.

If you’re aware of your emotions, you can manage them more effectively. This means that you’re less likely to let your emotions get the best of you, and more likely to stay in control of your behavior.

External Self-Awareness

External self-awareness is all about being aware of how other people see you. This includes understanding how your behavior might be affecting others, and how they might be perceiving you.

It also means being aware of the way that you come across to others. For example, if you’re talking to someone and you realize that you’re being too loud, you can adjust your behavior accordingly.

External self-awareness is important because it allows you to manage your relationships more effectively. If you understand how others see you, you can make adjustments to the way that you interact with them. This can help to improve communication and prevent misunderstandings.

Internal Self-Awareness

Internal self-awareness is about understanding your own negative thoughts and emotions and how they might be affecting your behavior. It’s important to be aware of your emotional triggers so that you can manage them in a healthy way.

For example, if you know that you tend to get angry when you’re feeling stressed, you can take steps to avoid situations that might trigger that emotion. Or, if you know that you tend to withdraw when you’re feeling sad, you can make an effort to reach out to others for support.

What Does It Mean To Be Lacking In Self Awareness?

Self awareness is the ability to step outside of yourself and see yourself objectively. It’s about being able to understand your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and how they impact others.

People who are self aware know their strengths and weaknesses, and they’re able to use this knowledge to manage themselves effectively.

Lacking this ability can have a number of negative consequences.

  • For one, it can lead to problems in relationships, because you’re not able to see how your behavior is impacting others.
  • It can also make it difficult to achieve success in your career, because you’re not able to capitalize on your strengths or manage your weaknesses effectively.

There’s no doubt that high self-awareness is a key ingredient in success, both personally and professionally.

20 Personality Traits Of People Who Lack Self Awareness

There are certain characteristics that people who lack self awareness tend to display. Scroll through this list with someone who’s judgement you trust to identify if you have any of these characteristics.

After all, you need their honest feedback to help you with your personal growth.

  1. You have trouble identifying your emotions.
  2. You find it difficult to understand why you feel the way you do.
  3. You often react to situations without thinking about the consequences of your actions.
  4. You struggle to take constructive criticism.
  5. You have trouble empathizing with others.
  6. You find it difficult to see both sides of an argument.
  7. You tend to make decisions based on your gut instinct rather than logic.
  8. You’re not aware of your own body language and how it comes across to others.
  9. You have trouble controlling your emotions.
  10. You find it difficult to stay present in the moment.
  11. You’re always looking for approval from others.
  12. You struggle to say no to people.
  13. You’re a people pleaser.
  14. You’re a perfectionist.
  15. You’re always comparing yourself to others.
  16. You have a fear of failure.
  17. You have a fear of success.
  18. You’re always looking for validation from others.
  19. You have a hard time accepting compliments.
  20. You tend to be your own worst critic.

If you answered “yes” to any of these then you may be lacking some degree of self awareness.

20 Signs Of Low Self-Awareness

Alright, so now that you aware of the characteristics that are associated with lacking self awareness, what are some signs that you can look out for?

Again, go through this list with someone who’s judgement you trust. It’s always a good thing to do to get someone else’s perspective.

1. You’re quick to react, instead of taking a moment to think things through.

If you find yourself constantly getting wrapped up in your own emotional reactions, it’s a sign that you might be lacking self-awareness. It’s important to be able to step back and understand your feelings, rather than just being consumed by them.

When you have these emotional outbursts, it’s harder to think clearly and make rational decisions. You might also find yourself acting in ways that you later regret.

2. You’re resistant to feedback.

Do you find it difficult to take feedback from others? If so, it could be a clear sign that you’re not as self-aware as you could be. It’s important to be open to feedback, as it can help you learn and grow.

3. You’re quick to judge others.

If you’re quick to judge others, it’s a sign that you’re not aware of your own faults and shortcomings. Instead of judging others, try to be more understanding and compassionate.

You may also be showing signs of low emotional intelligence which can make it difficult for you to “read” others. This then leads to inaccurately perceiving their actions, words, etc.

4. You’re always right.

If you’re the type of person who always has to be right, it’s a sign that you’re not as self-aware as you could be. This can lead to arguments and conflict with others.

Instead of always needing to be right, try to be more flexible and open-minded.

5. You’re constantly comparing yourself to others.

If you find yourself constantly comparing yourself to others, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This can lead to feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on your own progress and journey.

6. You’re always seeking approval from others.

If you’re always seeking approval from others, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This can lead to people-pleasing behavior and a need for validation. Instead of seek approval from others, try to find validation within yourself.

7. You’re never satisfied with what you have.

If you’re never satisfied with what you have, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This can lead to greed and materialism. Instead of always wanting more, try to be content with what you have.

8. You’re always trying to be perfect.

If you’re always trying to be perfect, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This can lead to perfectionism and unrealistic standards. Instead of striving for perfection, try to accept yourself for who you are.

9. You’re afraid of change.

If you’re afraid of change, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This can lead to stagnation and a fear of new experiences. Instead of being afraid of change, try to embrace it.

10. You’re always comparing yourself to others.

If you’re always comparing yourself to others, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This can lead to jealousy and envy. Instead of comparing yourself to others, try to focus on your own progress.

11. You believe you are entitled.

If you believe you are entitled, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This can lead to a sense of entitlement and narcissism. Instead of believing you are entitled, try to be humble.

12. You’re a drama queen or king.

If you’re always the center of attention and always creating drama, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This can lead to histrionics and melodrama. Instead of being a drama queen or king, try to be more chill.

13. You never (or very rarely) admit that you are wrong or made a mistake.

If you never admit that you’re wrong or made a mistake, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This can lead to arrogance and a lack of accountability. Instead of being stubborn, try to be more flexible.

14. You are always the victim.

If you always see yourself as the victim, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This can lead to victim mentality and a feeling of powerlessness. Instead of feeling like a victim, try to take control of your life.

15. You can’t admit you don’t know something.

If you can’t admit that you don’t know something, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This can lead to insecurity and a fear of being exposed as ignorant. Instead of pretending to know everything, try to be open to learning new things.

16. You need to take over and control everything.

If you need to take over and control everything, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This can lead to a feeling of insecurity and a need for constant validation. Instead of needing to control everything, try to let go and trust others.

17. You’re a talker, not a listener.

If you’re more of a talker than a listener, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This can lead to difficulty hearing others’ perspectives and an inability to empathize. Instead of talking over others, try to listen and understand them.

18. You won’t admit it but you like to gossip about others.

Gossiping about others is a sign that you lack self-awareness. It shows that you’re more interested in what others are doing wrong than in examining your own life. Instead of gossiping, try to focus on your own life and relationships.

19. Most of what you say (and think) is negative.

If you find yourself thinking and speaking negatively most of the time, it’s a sign that you lack self-awareness. This negative outlook can lead to pessimism and cynicism. Instead of focusing on the negative, try to find the positive in every situation.

20. You are passive, procrastinate, avoid hard decisions.

The inability to make decisions or take action in life is often caused by an unwillingness for self-awareness.

When we can’t see our own weaknesses, strengths and inner conflicts objectively then it becomes difficult (if not impossible) to come up with solutions that work well both now AND later on down the line.

This means means you might find yourself stuck oscillating between two bad habits – unable break out into one lasting pattern of behavior until finally giving up and just choosing to act impulsively instead.

These 20 signs show that you may lack self-awareness. If you recognize yourself in these signs, don’t worry.

Everyone has room for improvement in this area. With a little effort, you can develop greater self-awareness and lead a happier, more fulfilling life.

Why Does It Matter If I Have Poor Self Awareness?

It’s important to be aware of your own limitations and strengths. If you’re not aware of your own weaknesses, you’re more likely to make mistakes that can cost you dearly.

On the other hand, if you’re too self-critical, you may miss out on opportunities because you don’t think you’re good enough. Finding a healthy balance is key.

Self-aware people are able to step back and see themselves objectively. They can look at their own behavior and see how it affects others.

You can imagine how incredibly important this can be in both personal and professional relationships. You literally become a better person.

If you’re not self-aware, you may find yourself in conflict with others or making poor decisions that have negative consequences.

Self-awareness also allows you to be more empathetic towards others. If you can understand your own emotions, you can better understand and respond to the emotions of those around you.

This can make a big difference in both personal and professional relationships.

It can also help you to cope with negative feedback from others. This is especially important in personal and work relationships.

Finally, self-awareness can help you lead a more fulfilling life. When you know what makes you happy and what doesn’t, you can make choices that lead to a life that’s more in line with your values and goals.

So why does self-awareness matter?

There are really no downside to being more aware of yourself. If anything, it can only help you in life, both personally and professionally. So if you’re not already paying attention to your own thoughts and feelings, now might be a good time to start!

What Causes Lack Of Self Awareness?

There can be many different causes for a lack of self-awareness.

  • For some people, it may be due to a mental health condition such as anxiety or depression.
  • Others may have experienced trauma or abuse in their past that has led to them feeling disconnected from themselves.
  • Additionally, some people may simply have never been taught how to develop a strong sense of self-awareness.

It is important to note that there are many different factors that may contribute to a person’s lack of self awareness, and not all people who lack self awareness will necessarily exhibit the same behaviors.

For example, someone with a mental health condition may not be able to help their lack of self awareness, while someone who is simply uneducated about the topic might be more willing to learn and improve.

No matter what the cause, a lack of self-awareness can have a negative impact on every aspect of someone’s life. It can make it difficult to form and maintain healthy relationships, succeed in school or at work, and manage stress and other emotions in positive ways.

If you’re struggling with self-awareness, know that you’re not alone and there is help available.

There are many resources out there that can assist you in learning more about yourself and developing a stronger sense of self-awareness.

With time and effort, it is possible to improve your self-awareness and create a more positive and fulfilling life.

Do Most People Lack Self Awareness?

It’s a fair question to ask, given the amount of people who go through life without giving much thought to their own personal development. After all, if you don’t know yourself very well, how can you grow and improve?

According to our research” says organizational psychologist and researcher Tasha Eurich, “with thousands of people from all around the world, 95 percent of people believe that they’re self-aware, but only about 10 to 15 percent really are.


Self-awareness is the key to unlocking your true potential. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses, you can set realistic goals and put yourself on the path to success.

Think about it this way: if you don’t know where you’re starting from, how can you map out a plan to get where you want to be?

The good news is that self-awareness is something that can be learned and developed over time. Just like any other skill, the more you practice it, the better you’ll become at it.

How To Be More Self Aware

Here are a few tips to help you get started on making the positive changes towards discovering your own self-awareness.

1. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions.

The first step to becoming more self-aware is simply to start paying attention to your own thoughts and emotions. It can be helpful to keep a journal where you can write down your observations.

2. Reflect on your experiences.

After you’ve been paying attention to your thoughts and emotions for awhile, start reflecting on your experiences. What situations tend to trigger certain emotions in you? What patterns do you notice in your thinking?

3. Set aside time for introspection.

It can be helpful to set aside some time each day, or each week, specifically for introspection. During this time, you can reflect on your experiences and journal about your thoughts and emotions.

4. Talk to others about self-awareness.

One of the best ways to learn more about yourself is to talk to others. Talk to your friends and family about self-awareness, and ask them for their thoughts and experiences.

5. Seek out new experiences.

One of the best ways to learn more about yourself is to seek out new experiences and new ideas. Try new things, meet new people, and travel to new places. By pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, you can learn a lot about who you are and what you’re capable of.

Self-awareness is not something you can achieve overnight. It’s a lifelong journey. But the more you practice it, the more you’ll be able to live in the present moment and make choices that are aligned with your values and goals.

6. Mindfulness practices.

Practicing mindfulness is one of the most effective ways to boost your emotional self-awareness. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and observing your thoughts and feelings without judgment.

When you’re able to be mindful, you’re better able to understand your emotions and why you’re feeling them. You can also learn how to manage your emotions in a healthy way.

7. Keep a journal.

Writing in a journal is another great way to increase your emotional self-awareness. When you write about your thoughts and feelings, you’re able to see them from a different perspective. This can help you understand them better and figure out how to deal with them.

8. Seek professional help.

If you’re struggling to cope with your emotions, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. A therapist can teach you how to manage your emotions in a healthy way and provide support during tough times.

With this knowledge, you can make better decisions, set healthier boundaries, and create a life that is truly fulfilling.

Do Narcissists Lack Self Awareness?

Narcissists are often described as self-absorbed, egotistical, and lacking in empathy. But a new study suggests that they may also lack something else: self-awareness.

Most narcissists generally lack self-awareness. Indeed, their sense of self-esteem and self-worth depends on how others perceive them, and they tend to deny flaws in themselves and blame others for their own shortcomings, mistakes, and misfortunes.


What is the one thing that Narcissists are never willing to do? Look at themselves introspectively.

They’re so wrapped up in their own vanity they can’t see what’s right before them or how it affects other people around them-including those close enough for comfort zones like family members and friends!

Do Self Aware Narcissists Exist?

The answer is technically yes, but it’s an important caveat. A very small percentage of Narcissists are what you could call “self-aware.”

This means that they’re able to step outside of themselves and see how their behavior appears to others. They can understand how their need for constant admiration and attention comes across as arrogant and presumptuous.

And while they may not like what they see, they’re at least aware of it.

The majority of Narcissists, however, are completely clueless when it comes to their own self-absorbed ways. They genuinely believe that they’re the center of the universe and that everyone else exists to serve them.

This lack of self-awareness can be both frustrating and dangerous. Frustrating because it’s nearly impossible to have a constructive conversation with someone who can’t see their own role in the problem.

Dangerous because Narcissists who don’t understand how their behavior is impacting those around them are more likely to lash out or withdraw completely when faced with criticism.

If you’re in a relationship with a Narcissist, it’s important to try to help them see their own blind spots. It won’t be easy, and they may not be receptive at first, but it’s worth trying if you want to try to improve the relationship.

What Happens When You Lack Self Awareness?

If you’re not self-aware, you’re not really living. You’re just existing.

Self-awareness is one of the most important things in life. It’s what allows us to grow and change and become the best versions of ourselves.

Without self-awareness, we’re stuck in our own heads, unsure of what we’re doing or why we’re doing it. We make decisions without knowing why, and we end up making mistakes that we could have avoided if we’d just been more aware of ourselves.

Self-awareness is the key to living a fulfilling life. It’s what allows us to be honest with ourselves, to see our own faults and work on them. It’s what allows us to be open to new experiences and learn from our mistakes.

If you’re not self-aware, you’re missing out on a lot of what life has to offer. So what happens when you lack self-awareness?

Without self-awareness, life can be pretty confusing and frustrating. We make decisions without knowing why, and we end up making mistakes that we could have avoided if we’d just been more aware of ourselves.

We also miss out on a lot of opportunities to grow and learn. Without self-awareness, we’re stuck in our own little world and we don’t even realize it.

Why Is Self Awareness Important In Your Self Development?

Self-awareness is important for many reasons. It allows you to better understand yourself, your motivations, your strengths and weaknesses, and how you react to different situations.

  • This knowledge can then be used to help you set realistic goals, make better decisions, and improve your overall well-being.
  • Self-awareness can also help reduce stress and anxiety, as it can help you to understand and accept yourself for who you are.
  • Additionally, self-awareness can improve your relationships by providing you with the ability to communication more effectively and empathize with others.

If you want to achieve success in your self development journey, then it is essential that you work on increasing your self-awareness. Luckily, there are a number of things you can do to develop this important trait.

Some self-awareness exercises include keeping a journal, meditating, or attending therapy. You can also try taking personality tests or participating in group activities that encourage self-reflection.

No matter what method you choose, the important thing is that you commit to spending time reflecting on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

What Is Low Social Awareness?

Low social awareness is a term used to describe someone who struggles to understand and interpret the social cues and body language of those around them.

This can make it difficult for them to pick up on subtle hints or know when they are saying something that may offend another person.

Low social awareness can also lead to problems with making friends and maintaining relationships.

There are a number of reasons why someone may have low social awareness.

  • It could be due to a genetic predisposition or it could be the result of an early life experience that left them feeling isolated and alone.
  • It is also possible that low social awareness is simply a side effect of another condition, such as autism or Asperger’s syndrome.
  • Another condition that could contribute to low social awareness is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • Finally, it can also be a result of trauma or abuse.

Whatever the cause, low social awareness can be a challenge to deal with. However, there are some strategies that can help.

  • One is to try to improve communication skills. This may involve taking a course or attending workshops on social skills. It may also mean working with a therapist who can help identify and address any underlying issues that may be contributing to the problem.
  • Another strategy is to seek out social activities and groups that cater to people with low social awareness. This can provide a supportive environment where people can practice their skills and interact with others who understand their challenges.

If you or someone you know is struggling with low social awareness, there is help available. Don’t hesitate to reach out for support.

Treatment for low social awareness may include therapy, medication, and support groups. With treatment, people with this condition can learn how to interact with others in a more positive way.

Final Thoughts

Living with a lack of insight can certainly affect all aspects of your life negatively. If you feel that you may not have a firm grasp on who you are and what motivates you, it may be time to seek out professional help.

Don’t hesitate to get the help that you need to live the life that you deserve.

Kat Clukey

I am so glad you are here, and have chosen to spend your time reading my blog. I'm a Life Coach through the Procter Gallagher Institute . Since 2013, I have been on an intense mission to read books, go to seminars, and generally turn myself inside out to find out why some people seem to feel good in their own skin while I've struggled with self-worth and low self-esteem most of my adult life. I hope you find insights that help you on your journey!

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